Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
June 26th Statement by Leonard Peltier
Hello my friends and relations,
I always try to come to you full of good spirit and vigor. But I cannot lie. There are days when the ugliness of my situation weighs me down. I swear I never thought this could happen. I never believed law enforcement and the government of this country would go so far for so long to keep their dirty laundry hidden away.
Over the years, you my dedicated friends and believers have kept a vision of justice alive. That really is something special. Because of you, we have learned of hidden evidence, coerced testimony, and outright lies by the FBI and prosecutors. Because of you we have been able to uncover thousands of documents the government wanted to stay secret. And yet they have been able to squirrel away thousands more pages of their biggest secrets about me, about the theft of Indian land, their motives behind murder, and their operations to silence people like me. I am living proof that my case is about squashing Indian rights and Indian sovereignty, otherwise why would I be serving a sentence so much longer than what is normal for my so-called conviction?
Those that believe in law and order should be the loudest voices calling for my release! The fact is the day I walk free is the day they are forced to deal with my innocence, and they are so very afraid of doing just that! No matter what they say, the dirty little secret underneath all of this is America’s fear and loathing of Indian people. In over five hundred years, they have not yet learned how to deal honorably with us.
The burden is great sometimes, but the encouragement I get from you helps me to keep my faith that freedom will one day come my way. No matter what happens, on the day I draw my last breath I will be proud to have taken my place alongside my ancestors, knowing I did all I could do, and gave all I could for my people. For those FBI agents and prosecutors in my case, their last moments will include shame.
So remember all of you my friends and relations, this case is about much more than me. If you believe in truth, justice, honor, freedom, all of what is supposed to make America great, then help me open the door to my release. If you believe in Indian sovereignty, join my cause and in doing so help yourself. Take your place in the struggle and do all you can to eradicate injustice.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your love.
Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin!
Leonard Peltier
I always try to come to you full of good spirit and vigor. But I cannot lie. There are days when the ugliness of my situation weighs me down. I swear I never thought this could happen. I never believed law enforcement and the government of this country would go so far for so long to keep their dirty laundry hidden away.
Over the years, you my dedicated friends and believers have kept a vision of justice alive. That really is something special. Because of you, we have learned of hidden evidence, coerced testimony, and outright lies by the FBI and prosecutors. Because of you we have been able to uncover thousands of documents the government wanted to stay secret. And yet they have been able to squirrel away thousands more pages of their biggest secrets about me, about the theft of Indian land, their motives behind murder, and their operations to silence people like me. I am living proof that my case is about squashing Indian rights and Indian sovereignty, otherwise why would I be serving a sentence so much longer than what is normal for my so-called conviction?
Those that believe in law and order should be the loudest voices calling for my release! The fact is the day I walk free is the day they are forced to deal with my innocence, and they are so very afraid of doing just that! No matter what they say, the dirty little secret underneath all of this is America’s fear and loathing of Indian people. In over five hundred years, they have not yet learned how to deal honorably with us.
The burden is great sometimes, but the encouragement I get from you helps me to keep my faith that freedom will one day come my way. No matter what happens, on the day I draw my last breath I will be proud to have taken my place alongside my ancestors, knowing I did all I could do, and gave all I could for my people. For those FBI agents and prosecutors in my case, their last moments will include shame.
So remember all of you my friends and relations, this case is about much more than me. If you believe in truth, justice, honor, freedom, all of what is supposed to make America great, then help me open the door to my release. If you believe in Indian sovereignty, join my cause and in doing so help yourself. Take your place in the struggle and do all you can to eradicate injustice.
Thank you for your time. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your love.
Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin!
Leonard Peltier
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Leonard Peltier Remembers Geronimo Pratt
15 June 2011
Greetings to all my friends and compatriots,
Everyone it seems knows something about Geronimo Pratt. To all of us, to every human being on the planet, he was a beacon of principle that we should all aspire to emulate. To those directly involved in the struggle, he was one of those gifted, tough as nails warriors who not only had the vision to know what was right, but the strength and courage to stick to his convictions no matter the cost. When he had to be, he was a terror to his enemies.
To me, he was a friend and an ally. I met him in jail of course, so many years ago. He always had so much of my respect.
He gave his all to the fight for liberation, justice, and equality. His effectiveness as a man and a leader can be measured by the extent to which the enemies of justice and equality went to in order to try and silence him. It wasn’t enough to frame him for murder. It wasn’t enough to flush twenty six years of his life down a hell hole. No, they had to take those closest to him as well. But even the simultaneous losses of his freedom and the lives of his wife and unborn child could not break him. All the lies and injustice they could muster could not subdue such greatness. The combined resources of the FBI, Los Angeles police, and the L.A. District Attorney’s office couldn’t defeat him. What those in power did not understand was that Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt was no ordinary man. He was a giant among men and remained focused during the most trying times. What they did not comprehend was that you can jail the warrior but not his ideas, not his strength, nor his affect on others.
No one would have blamed him if after twenty six years in jail he wanted to live a private life and age gracefully. True to his nature he continued to be a light in the darkness, fighting for human rights until his death. He gave everything to the issues which he held most dear. In doing so he inspired generations of young people who carry on his legacy.
Perhaps it is fitting that this statement is being prepared on the anniversary of his false conviction being vacated. With that in mind, now that I think about it, this can and should be a time of celebration. Rather than mourn a loss of such magnitude, let us rejoice that we were blessed with such a presence to begin with.
The history of mankind is not written by corrupt governments or their shadow agencies, it is formed by greatness of spirit and strength of mind. This is why Elmer Pratt will always be remembered and honored as a prophet and perhaps even a saint to his people. I know wherever he is, he is speaking truth to power, and rallying spirits to his cause.
This was not a spark that died! He was a fuse, igniting a series of events that we have yet to fully understand. I am certain in the fullness of time he will be celebrated while those who opposed him and their descendants will hang their heads in shame. It is this knowledge that makes me smile, and weep tears of great appreciation. So raise your hands, raise your hearts, raise your voices. Give thanks to Wankan Tanka that such a Titan walked amongst us. Never forget this incendiary spirit that opened minds and knocked down walls. Say his name with reverence, for he represents the very best of us all, and in that he will live forever.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse…
Leonard Peltier
Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt (September 13, 1947 – June 2, 2011), born Elmer Pratt, was a high ranking member of the Black Panther Party. The Federal Bureau of Investigation targeted him in a COINTELPRO operation, which aimed to "neutralize Pratt as an effective BPP functionary." Pratt was falsely accused, tried and convicted of the kidnap and murder of Caroline Olsen in 1972, and spent 27 years in prison, eight of which were in solitary confinement. Pratt was freed in 1997 when his conviction was vacated. He was working as a human rights activist up until the time of his death. Pratt was also the godfather of the late rapper Tupac Shakur. He died of a heart attack in his adopted country, Tanzania, on June 2, 2011.
Leonard Peltier Recuerda a Gerónimo Pratt
Miércoles 15 de junio, de 2011
Saludos a todos mis amigos y compatriotas,
Parece que todo el mundo sabe algo sobre Gerónimo Pratt*. Para todos nosotros, para cada ser humano del planeta, él fue un faro de principios que debemos emular. Para aquellos directamente envueltos en la lucha, Gerónimo fue uno de los llenos de talento, fuerte e indestructible guerrero que no solo tuvo la visión de saber lo que es correcto, sino que también tuvo la fuerza y el corage de mantenerse file a sus convicciones sin importarle el costo. Y cuando tuvo que serlo, fue un verdadero terror para sus enemigos.
Para mi, Gerónimo fue mi amigo y mi aliado. Lo conocí have muchos años, naturalmente, en la cárcel. El siempre tuvo todo mi respeto.
Gerónimo lo dió todo a la lucha por liberación, justicia e igualdad. Su efectividad como hombre y como líder se puede medir por lo que los enemigos de justicia e igualdad hicieron para tratar de y conseguir silenciarlo. No fue suficiente para ellos acusarlo falsamente de un asesinato. No les fue suficiente tirar veintiseis años de su vida al infierno de la prisión. No, también arrastraron a todos aquellos cercanos a él. Pero ni siquiera la pérdida simultánea de su libertad y de las vidas de su esposa y de su hijo por nacer pudieron destruirlo. Todas las mentiras e injusticias de las que fueron capaces no pudieron subyugar tanta grandeza. Tampoco los recursos combinados del FBI, de la policía y de la Oficina Distrital de Abogados de Los Angeles pudieron vencerlo. Lo que aquellos en el poder no comprendían era que Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt no era un hombre ordinario. Gerónimo fue un gigante entre los hombres y permaneció siempre centrado en los momentos más difíciles. No comprendían que podían encarcelar al guerrero, pero no sus ideas, no la fuerza de su carácter, tampoco su impacto en el pueblo.
Nadie hubiera dicho nada si después de veintiseis años en la cárcel él hubiera decidido vivir su vida en privado y tranquilamente envejecer. Pero, consecuente con sus ideas y convicciones, Gerónimo continuó siendo una luz en las tinieblas, luchando por los derechos humanos hasta el momento de su muerte. El lo dió todo por los problemas que consideró importantes. Haciendo éso, inspiró a generaciones de jóvenes que continuarán con su legado.
Quizás es apropiado que estoy escribiendo estas líneas en el aniversario del día en que su convicción fue anulada por ser falsa. Con éso en mente, pensándolo bién, éste podría ser, y és, un buén momento para celebrar. En vez de llorar por pérdida de tal magnitude, regocijémosnos de haber tenido la bendición de su presencia.
La historia de la humanidad no es escrita por gobiernos corruptos o por sus sombríos agentes, la historia de la humanidad es formada por la grandeza del espíritu y por la fuerza de la inteligencia. Es por éso que Elmer Pratt será siempre recordado y honrado como profeta, y quizas como santo de su pueblo. Yo sé que dondequiera que esté, él estará diciendo la verdad al poder, y atrayendo a los espíritus más nobles a su causa.
¡Gerónimo no fue una chispa que desapareció! El fue una mecha que prendió muchos eventos que todavía tenemos que comprender. Estoy convencido que en su debido tiempo será reconocido y honrado mientras los que se le oponían y sus descendientes tendrán que bajar avergonzados la cabeza. Es esta convicción la que me have sonreir, y llorar lágrimas de inmensa gratitud. Asi que, levanten sus brazos, eleven sus corazones... Díganlo en voz alta. Den gracias a Wankan Tanka que tal Titán caminó entre nosotros. Jamás olvidemos a este espíritu incendiario que despertó nuestras mentes y destruyó barreras. Pronunciemos su nombre con reverencia porque él representa lo mejor que tenemos todos nosotros y porque él vivirá por siempre.
En el espíritu de Caballo Loco…
Leonard Peltier
Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt (13 de setiembre de 1947--2 de junio de 2011), con nombre de pila, Elmer Pratt, fue alto líder del Partido de las Panteras Negras. El Buró Federal de Investigaciones, FBI, lo lo hizo el blanco de una operación COINTELPRO, con el fin de "neutralizar a Pratt como funcionario efectivo del Partido de las Panteras Negras." Pratt fue falsamente acusado, enjuiciado y encontrado culpable del secuestro y asesinato de Caroline Olsen, en 1972, y pasó 27 años en la cárcel, ocho de ellos incomunicado. Pratt fue liberado en 1997 cuando su convicción fue anulada. Gerónimo trabajó como activista de Derechos Humanos hasta la hora de su muerte. Pratt también fue padrino del desaparecido rapper Túpac Shakur. Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt murió de un ataque al corazón el 2 de junio de 2011, en su patria adoptiva, Tanzania.
Greetings to all my friends and compatriots,
Everyone it seems knows something about Geronimo Pratt. To all of us, to every human being on the planet, he was a beacon of principle that we should all aspire to emulate. To those directly involved in the struggle, he was one of those gifted, tough as nails warriors who not only had the vision to know what was right, but the strength and courage to stick to his convictions no matter the cost. When he had to be, he was a terror to his enemies.
To me, he was a friend and an ally. I met him in jail of course, so many years ago. He always had so much of my respect.
He gave his all to the fight for liberation, justice, and equality. His effectiveness as a man and a leader can be measured by the extent to which the enemies of justice and equality went to in order to try and silence him. It wasn’t enough to frame him for murder. It wasn’t enough to flush twenty six years of his life down a hell hole. No, they had to take those closest to him as well. But even the simultaneous losses of his freedom and the lives of his wife and unborn child could not break him. All the lies and injustice they could muster could not subdue such greatness. The combined resources of the FBI, Los Angeles police, and the L.A. District Attorney’s office couldn’t defeat him. What those in power did not understand was that Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt was no ordinary man. He was a giant among men and remained focused during the most trying times. What they did not comprehend was that you can jail the warrior but not his ideas, not his strength, nor his affect on others.
No one would have blamed him if after twenty six years in jail he wanted to live a private life and age gracefully. True to his nature he continued to be a light in the darkness, fighting for human rights until his death. He gave everything to the issues which he held most dear. In doing so he inspired generations of young people who carry on his legacy.
Perhaps it is fitting that this statement is being prepared on the anniversary of his false conviction being vacated. With that in mind, now that I think about it, this can and should be a time of celebration. Rather than mourn a loss of such magnitude, let us rejoice that we were blessed with such a presence to begin with.
The history of mankind is not written by corrupt governments or their shadow agencies, it is formed by greatness of spirit and strength of mind. This is why Elmer Pratt will always be remembered and honored as a prophet and perhaps even a saint to his people. I know wherever he is, he is speaking truth to power, and rallying spirits to his cause.
This was not a spark that died! He was a fuse, igniting a series of events that we have yet to fully understand. I am certain in the fullness of time he will be celebrated while those who opposed him and their descendants will hang their heads in shame. It is this knowledge that makes me smile, and weep tears of great appreciation. So raise your hands, raise your hearts, raise your voices. Give thanks to Wankan Tanka that such a Titan walked amongst us. Never forget this incendiary spirit that opened minds and knocked down walls. Say his name with reverence, for he represents the very best of us all, and in that he will live forever.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse…
Leonard Peltier
Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt (September 13, 1947 – June 2, 2011), born Elmer Pratt, was a high ranking member of the Black Panther Party. The Federal Bureau of Investigation targeted him in a COINTELPRO operation, which aimed to "neutralize Pratt as an effective BPP functionary." Pratt was falsely accused, tried and convicted of the kidnap and murder of Caroline Olsen in 1972, and spent 27 years in prison, eight of which were in solitary confinement. Pratt was freed in 1997 when his conviction was vacated. He was working as a human rights activist up until the time of his death. Pratt was also the godfather of the late rapper Tupac Shakur. He died of a heart attack in his adopted country, Tanzania, on June 2, 2011.
Leonard Peltier Recuerda a Gerónimo Pratt
Miércoles 15 de junio, de 2011
Saludos a todos mis amigos y compatriotas,
Parece que todo el mundo sabe algo sobre Gerónimo Pratt*. Para todos nosotros, para cada ser humano del planeta, él fue un faro de principios que debemos emular. Para aquellos directamente envueltos en la lucha, Gerónimo fue uno de los llenos de talento, fuerte e indestructible guerrero que no solo tuvo la visión de saber lo que es correcto, sino que también tuvo la fuerza y el corage de mantenerse file a sus convicciones sin importarle el costo. Y cuando tuvo que serlo, fue un verdadero terror para sus enemigos.
Para mi, Gerónimo fue mi amigo y mi aliado. Lo conocí have muchos años, naturalmente, en la cárcel. El siempre tuvo todo mi respeto.
Gerónimo lo dió todo a la lucha por liberación, justicia e igualdad. Su efectividad como hombre y como líder se puede medir por lo que los enemigos de justicia e igualdad hicieron para tratar de y conseguir silenciarlo. No fue suficiente para ellos acusarlo falsamente de un asesinato. No les fue suficiente tirar veintiseis años de su vida al infierno de la prisión. No, también arrastraron a todos aquellos cercanos a él. Pero ni siquiera la pérdida simultánea de su libertad y de las vidas de su esposa y de su hijo por nacer pudieron destruirlo. Todas las mentiras e injusticias de las que fueron capaces no pudieron subyugar tanta grandeza. Tampoco los recursos combinados del FBI, de la policía y de la Oficina Distrital de Abogados de Los Angeles pudieron vencerlo. Lo que aquellos en el poder no comprendían era que Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt no era un hombre ordinario. Gerónimo fue un gigante entre los hombres y permaneció siempre centrado en los momentos más difíciles. No comprendían que podían encarcelar al guerrero, pero no sus ideas, no la fuerza de su carácter, tampoco su impacto en el pueblo.
Nadie hubiera dicho nada si después de veintiseis años en la cárcel él hubiera decidido vivir su vida en privado y tranquilamente envejecer. Pero, consecuente con sus ideas y convicciones, Gerónimo continuó siendo una luz en las tinieblas, luchando por los derechos humanos hasta el momento de su muerte. El lo dió todo por los problemas que consideró importantes. Haciendo éso, inspiró a generaciones de jóvenes que continuarán con su legado.
Quizás es apropiado que estoy escribiendo estas líneas en el aniversario del día en que su convicción fue anulada por ser falsa. Con éso en mente, pensándolo bién, éste podría ser, y és, un buén momento para celebrar. En vez de llorar por pérdida de tal magnitude, regocijémosnos de haber tenido la bendición de su presencia.
La historia de la humanidad no es escrita por gobiernos corruptos o por sus sombríos agentes, la historia de la humanidad es formada por la grandeza del espíritu y por la fuerza de la inteligencia. Es por éso que Elmer Pratt será siempre recordado y honrado como profeta, y quizas como santo de su pueblo. Yo sé que dondequiera que esté, él estará diciendo la verdad al poder, y atrayendo a los espíritus más nobles a su causa.
¡Gerónimo no fue una chispa que desapareció! El fue una mecha que prendió muchos eventos que todavía tenemos que comprender. Estoy convencido que en su debido tiempo será reconocido y honrado mientras los que se le oponían y sus descendientes tendrán que bajar avergonzados la cabeza. Es esta convicción la que me have sonreir, y llorar lágrimas de inmensa gratitud. Asi que, levanten sus brazos, eleven sus corazones... Díganlo en voz alta. Den gracias a Wankan Tanka que tal Titán caminó entre nosotros. Jamás olvidemos a este espíritu incendiario que despertó nuestras mentes y destruyó barreras. Pronunciemos su nombre con reverencia porque él representa lo mejor que tenemos todos nosotros y porque él vivirá por siempre.
En el espíritu de Caballo Loco…
Leonard Peltier
Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt (13 de setiembre de 1947--2 de junio de 2011), con nombre de pila, Elmer Pratt, fue alto líder del Partido de las Panteras Negras. El Buró Federal de Investigaciones, FBI, lo lo hizo el blanco de una operación COINTELPRO, con el fin de "neutralizar a Pratt como funcionario efectivo del Partido de las Panteras Negras." Pratt fue falsamente acusado, enjuiciado y encontrado culpable del secuestro y asesinato de Caroline Olsen, en 1972, y pasó 27 años en la cárcel, ocho de ellos incomunicado. Pratt fue liberado en 1997 cuando su convicción fue anulada. Gerónimo trabajó como activista de Derechos Humanos hasta la hora de su muerte. Pratt también fue padrino del desaparecido rapper Túpac Shakur. Gerónimo Ji Jaga Pratt murió de un ataque al corazón el 2 de junio de 2011, en su patria adoptiva, Tanzania.
Monday, June 13, 2011
2011 Run for Freedom for Leonard Peltier
16th Annual Run for Freedom
For Leonard Peltier and All Prisoners of Conscience
We welcome all runners, walkers, cyclists, etc., to participate.
27--Williamsburg, OH
June 28--Yellow
Springs, OH
June 29--Columbus, OH
30--Newcomerstown, OH
July 1--Pittsburgh,
July 2--Altoona, PA
July 3 &
4--Lewisburg, PA
July 5--Harrisburg,
July 6--Hagerstown,
July 7 &
8--Washington, DC
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Support Leonard Peltier: 2011 Oglala Commemoration
Join us on June 26, 2011, in Oglala, South Dakota (on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation) as we, "HONOR OUR WARRIORS". A day of solidarity calling for Leonard Peltier's freedom. A day of prayer and remembrance. Honoring those who lost their lives during the conflict on Pine Ridge in the 70's that led to Leonard Peltier unjust imprisonment.
Past and Present
A day of national healing, with ceremony, memorials, give-aways, community feast and youth concert.
Ceremony begins at Noon
Little Family cemetery
Followed by the Memorial Walk
to Jumping Bull Property
Dinner and Concert to be held at the Lakota Dome. (Prairie Winds Casino Center)
5:00 - 11:00 pm
Host Drum: Elk Nation
Arrow Space
Stones of Red
This is a free event, open to all family, friends and supporters of Leonard Peltier and the American Indian Movement.
When on Lakota Land, Respect Lakota Culture and Traditions.
Absolutely No Drugs, No Alcohol, No Violence.
No filming without prior permission.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
COINTELPRO 101 On Sale Now!
The Freedom Archives * 522
Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: (415) 863-9977 - E-mail: info@freedomarchives.org
You can listen to the full
length audio documentary, too. Click here.
Artwork by Leonard Peltier: Giclee Reproductions
Images of paintings by Leonard Peltier are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto your choice of canvas, fine art paper, or photo-base paper. Visit www.LeonardPeltierArt.com for details.

A Limited Time Offer:
30% Off on All "Open Edition" Giclee Reproductions
Order by July 31!
In commemoration of the incident at Oglala on June 26, 1975, LeonardPeltierArt.com is offering a 30 percent discount on all of its Open Edition giclee reproductions. This discount will be for a limited time only, so order today! Have questions? Placing an order from outside the United States? Contact Monica by e-mail: monica7621@msn.com.
A Limited Time Offer:
30% Off on All "Open Edition" Giclee Reproductions
Order by July 31!
In commemoration of the incident at Oglala on June 26, 1975, LeonardPeltierArt.com is offering a 30 percent discount on all of its Open Edition giclee reproductions. This discount will be for a limited time only, so order today! Have questions? Placing an order from outside the United States? Contact Monica by e-mail: monica7621@msn.com.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Change for Change
The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee (LPDOC) is paying to send Attorney Robert R. Bryan to address the Ligue des droits de l’Homme (Human Rights League) 86th Congress to be held in Reims, France, June 11-13. We need to quickly raise funds for air fare, lodgings, meals and incidental expenses.
How to Help
> Donate what you can. No amount is too small.
> Send your donation to the LPDOC, PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106.
> Or donate online. (Click on the donate button at the top of our home page at www.whoisleonardpeltier.info).
Leonard is counting on you to make this important trip possible.
Time is short, so please make that donation today.
Thank you.
Launched into cyberspace by the
Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106
How to Help
> Donate what you can. No amount is too small.
> Send your donation to the LPDOC, PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106.
> Or donate online. (Click on the donate button at the top of our home page at www.whoisleonardpeltier.info).
Leonard is counting on you to make this important trip possible.
Time is short, so please make that donation today.
Thank you.
Launched into cyberspace by the
Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND 58106
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