Dear Supporters,
We want to thank you in advance for helping with the Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights. We appreciate everything that you can do: Some of the immediate needs are as follows:
• Book or confirm camping sites and places for lodging for the walkers
• Book schools or churches that would be willing to accommodate lodging for the walkers
• Book or confirm help with people that can cook for the walkers
• Donations of paper products such as plates, bowls, cups for the sites that the walkers stop
• Food donations
• Gas card donations
• Monetary donations
• Camping equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, laterns, umbrellas, rain gear
• Permits for walking through the various counties & cities & highways
• Venues that can hold a free concerts
• Places to hold sweat-lodges and ceremonies
• Venues to hold viewings of “Incident at Oglala” and “Warrior”
• Access to Press to communicate the Walk, whether it be TV, Radio, Newpaper, Internet
• First Aid Supplies and Kits
Any help and all donations are much appreciated by “Wind Chases the Sun”. As more information comes up, we will keep you informed. Again, thank you for your support.
Wind Chases the Sun, Inc.
N5679 Skylark Drive, De Pere WI, 54115
Dorothy Ninham Hm (920)-869-2641 Cell (920) 713-8114
Gina Buenrostro Cell (920) 713-2205
Dorothyninham@yahoo.com Gina.Buenrostro@yahoo.com
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